
Living Witness is a community that welcomes Friends who are actively discerning how we might respond to the unfolding climate and ecological crises, drawing on our Quaker values and practices. Central to this is nurturing a deepening spiritual exploration among Quakers and others, and supporting each other in the action and witness that may grow from this.

We hold online Quaker meetings focused on the Earth every Monday and Friday morning, and every Wednesday evening. See more information here

There are more events farther ahead on the events page.

To receive notices about Living Witness events and next issues of the EarthQuaker e-newsletter, please sign up to our email list.

News updates (More Pages tab) and Opportunities for Action available through top menu tabs.

Quaker Support for Climate Action 

Meeting for Worship in Parliament Square

11am - 12.30 pm on Friday, 24 January 2025

Climate and Nature (CAN) Bill will have its Second Reading in Parliament

Quaker Support for Climate Action are inviting you to join them for a Meeting for Worship in Parliament Square at 11.00am on Friday 24th January 2025. There will also be an online event, details to follow for those that can't travel. We see this as a positive intervention, which will seek to uphold our lawmakers and support them in the decisions they know that must be taken. If not now when?

If made law the CAN Bill would ensure that the UK: 

● Creates a joined-up plan—the crises in climate and nature are deeply intertwined, requiring a plan that considers both together. 
● Cuts emissions in line with 1.5°C—ensuring UK emissions are reduced rapidly, for the last chance of limiting warming to 1.5°C. 
● Not only halts, but also reverses the decline in nature—setting nature measurably on the path to recovery by 2030. 
● Takes responsibility for our overseas footprint—both emissions and ecological. 
● Prioritises nature in decision-making, and ends fossil fuel production and imports as rapidly as possible.

● Ensures no-one is left behind—through fairness provisions. 
● Involves the public—giving people a say in finding a fair way forward through a Climate & Nature Assembly, an essential tool for bringing the public along with the unprecedented pace of change required.

To write to your MP to either thank them for supporting the Bill or encourage them to get behind it:

Zero Hour Campaign

Eva Koch Scholarship

Woodbrooke are re-running the Eva Koch scholarship programme for research related to the climate crisis. If you are interested, please see all the details via this link to Woodbrooke. The closing date for applications is Friday 20 January 2025. 


Healing the Earth, Healing Ourselves

Sunday, 23 February 2025

12.30 - 6 pm : Friends House, Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ

A multi-faith event where we can learn from one another about faith-based action to protect people and planet, and the spiritual values and practices of our different faiths that nurture this.

Free afternoon of discussion, workshops, dance, poetry, creative work and stalls

 Register Here 

'Faith in Action in an age of Permacrisis'

Joint Conference QCEA and Quaker Peace & Social Witness

(QCEA = Quaker Council for European affairs)

Venue: Brussels, Belgium

Date: 20-22 June 2025


Quaker Eco Church Network News (Woodbrooke)

The Steps to Accreditation course has been running for several months now.  There’s still time to join. It’s free to register and all the resources and recordings of past sessions are on the online resources page.

Next 'Introduction' session - 12th March

Dates for the first 3 network meetings of 2025

Tuesday 18th March 7-8:30pm
Wednesday 16th April 7-8:30pm
Thursday 15th May 7-8:30pm

Zoom link and reminder will be circulated in early March.


WOODBROOKE Climate Crisis Learning Opportunities  - NEW COURSES and DATES released for 2025 - online and residential



Faith Leaders urge UK Government to show leadership on the climate 

See the full article on Quakers in Britain website: https://www.quaker.org.uk/news-and-events/news/show-leadership-on-the-climate-faith-leaders-urge-foreign-secretary-david-lammy

Quaker Arts Network have now published a Loving Earth arts calendar for 2025. This is 30×30 cm with 28 pages featuring a beautiful Loving Earth panel for each month.

Great as gifts for friends and family, encouraging engagement with the climate and environment crises, in a loving way.

It retails at  £12 and is available from the Quaker Bookshop. For direct ordering, discounts for Local Meeting bulk orders and details on purchase and payment methods please use the link below:



Climate Justice - updated resources 

Quakers in Britain has recently updated the leaflets and postcards to make a new set of resources for meetings and individuals who would like to spread the word about Quaker climate justice work. Email climatejustice@quaker.org.uk to order physical copies of:

Climate Justice: A Quaker View booklet – an introduction to why Quakers care about climate justice

Insure Our Future postcard – a short explanation of the campaign for insurers to stop insuring fossil fuels

Make Polluters Pay postcard – a short explanation of the campaign for polluters to pay up for climate-induced loss and damage

Exploring Faith and Climate Justice (all modules in one booklet) – a series of short study booklets for individual or group reflection on climate justice

(Posted December 2024)


A Quaker Take podcast | Quakers in Britain 

A podcast from Quakers in Britain and Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre featuring people talking about ideas, faith and activism. A Quaker Take explores a range of issues in Britain and internationally, including climate change and climate activism.

Relaunched as A Quaker Take, find new episodes or listen to previous episodes of Q:Witness.


Revising the Book of Discipline - Unity of Creation

At Yearly Meeting in 2018 Paul Parker, recording clerk, welcomed the decision to revise Quaker Faith & Practice: 

"Once in a generation, Quakers decide to take a long hard look at our faith, what it means to us, and what we can say about it. Today's bold decision to revise Quaker faith & practice means it's time for us to do that again. It's exciting. We want to hear the insights of younger and more diverse people, and set out how we are a faith fit for the 21st century. I'm looking forward to it."

Suggestions for new content are welcome and invited. If you have a suggestion to make for inclusion in the Unity of Creation chapter, please send by email to qfp@quaker.org.uk, or by writing to the Revision Committee, Friends House, Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ.

Photo by Jonny Gios on Unsplash


Quaker Earthcare Witness is a network of Quakers inspiring Spirit-led action for ecological integrity and environmental justice in the USA. You can visit their website https://quakerearthcare.org/ 

With the opportunity to sign up for their newsletter 'Befriending Creation'  and keep up-to-date on the work of Quaker Friends across the Atlantic.


Upcoming Events

Wed 29 January

Wednesday Epilogue


Venue: Zoom

Our weekly evening epilogue

Please contact us for the Zoom link.

Thu 30 January

Climate Dialogues: Finding Common Ground

Venue: Woodbrooke Zoom

Fri 31 January

Friday Worship


Venue: Zoom

Our weekly open worship session, including some prepared ministry and followed by a brief period of 'afterwords.'

Please contact us for the Zoom meeting URL.