
Living Witness is a community that welcomes Friends who are actively discerning how we might respond to the unfolding climate and ecological crises, drawing on our Quaker values and practices. Central to this is nurturing a deepening spiritual exploration among Quakers and others, and supporting each other in the action and witness that may grow from this.

We hold online Quaker meetings focused on the Earth every Monday and Friday morning, and every Wednesday evening. See more information here

There are more events farther ahead on the events page.

To receive notices about Living Witness events, please sign up to our email list.

For news updates, please click here.

Photo by Ron Smith on Unsplash

Hope as a Practice - Saturday, 28 September

London Quakers Workshop

Venue: Friends House, Euston Road, London

Time: 10 am - 4.30 pm

What does it mean to ‘practise hope’? How do we maintain hope when things seem to be getting worse rather than better?

In this workshop, participants will be invited to take part in a range of activities to explore “active hope”, a transformative set of practices that help us to face our concerns about the world, find genuine grounds for hope and discern our unique contribution to the healing of our world. Drawing on ideas from the book Active Hope, by J. Macy and C. Johnstone, this workshop will also highlight how this approach resonates with Quaker faith and practice.

Our tutors from Woodbrooke Where You Are, Simonne Wood and Jacquie Cole, are both Quakers with a rich variety of interests and substantial experience in a wide range of Quaker learning.

Booking on Ticket Tailor https://www.tickettailor.com/events/londonquakers/1332901



Quakers in Britain are part of an international coalition planning the first Global Week of Action for Peace and Climate Justice from 21-28 September 2024. The theme is ‘Divest from War – Invest in Climate Justice!’  

The week of action will highlight the many connections between war, militarism and climate breakdown, and build bridges between peace, climate and justice movements. You can get involved by:  

·        registering for a webinar on 25 September 12-13:00 UTC exploring the           issues led by experts in the field and people with lived experience

·        Attending any of the other events planned online or in person

·        planning your own action using the week of action downloadable toolkit

·        writing to your MP to introduce them to the topic. If you’d like some help with this, Northern Friends Peace          Board will shortly have a helpful template you can use

·        You can write to the Peace team for more information. Please let us know if/how you are getting involved in           the Week so we can share what you do. 

Quaker Faith in Action Newsletter article (26 Aug) Email: faithinaction@quaker.org.uk for details.


Quaker Arts Network have now published a Loving Earth arts calendar for 2025. This is 30×30 cm with 28 pages featuring a beautiful Loving Earth panel for each month.

Great as gifts for friends and family, encouraging engagement with the climate and environment crises, in a loving way.

It retails at  £12 and is available from the Quaker Bookshop. For direct ordering, discounts for Local Meeting bulk orders and details on purchase and payment methods please use the link below:



NEW COURSES relating to the Climate Crisis available late summer/autumn through Woodbrooke Study Centre, online and residential



Quaker Gardens - Eva Koch Scholarship presentation

by Caroline Chandler - watch on Youtube -





Revising the Book of Discipline - Unity of Creation

At Yearly Meeting in 2018 Paul Parker, recording clerk, welcomed the decision to revise Quaker Faith & Practice: 

"Once in a generation, Quakers decide to take a long hard look at our faith, what it means to us, and what we can say about it. Today's bold decision to revise Quaker faith & practice means it's time for us to do that again. It's exciting. We want to hear the insights of younger and more diverse people, and set out how we are a faith fit for the 21st century. I'm looking forward to it."

Suggestions for new content are welcome and invited. If you have a suggestion to make for inclusion in the Unity of Creation chapter, please send by email to qfp@quaker.org.uk, or by writing to the Revision Committee, Friends House, Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ.

Photo by Jonny Gios on Unsplash


Quaker Earthcare Witness is a network of Quakers inspiring Spirit-led action for ecological integrity and environmental justice in the USA. You can visit their website https://quakerearthcare.org/ 

With the opportunity to sign up for their newsletter 'Befriending Creation'  and keep up-to-date on the work of Quaker Friends across the Atlantic.



The Gathering was held over the weekend of 17-19 November bringing together Quakers from across the UK in a blended meeting of in-person Friends and Friends online. 

The main themes rising to the top by the close of this shared time together were: 

  • community and the importance of connectedness, supporting one another
  • indigenous values - learning about them and how they might be applied to our own lives
  • capitalism - what should replace it and the importance of using our imaginations to navigate our way to a new social system


Upcoming Events

Wed 11 September

Wednesday Epilogue


Venue: Zoom

Our weekly evening epilogue

Please contact us for the Zoom link.

Fri 13 September

Friday Worship


Venue: Zoom

Our weekly open worship session, including some prepared ministry and followed by a brief period of 'afterwords.'

Please contact us for the Zoom meeting URL.

Mon 16 September

Quaker Eco Church Network : Steps to Accreditation

Venue: Zoom

Tutors: Kim Harrison, Gordon Benson

For sessions details use link https://www.woodbrooke.org.uk/courses/quaker-eco-church-network-steps-to-accreditation/